Textures: SCS: Basic textures Google: Light, reflector textures Good-Year: Tyre textures Jegge: Skins, licenseplates Nordish: Skins, licenseplates Kaeseschuh: Skins Edobeted: Skins Reyhan: Skins Arnook: Skins MrAnthony: Skins Kamaz: AO texture, Reskins of Truck transport trailer Bora: Skins, AO textureĭOWNLOAD SCS-Trailer_Patch_V2.3.scs – 235. Wheels: Kamaz: Tyre, rim Ventures: High poly wheel for texture rendering Bora: Rim, hub. Maka dari itu pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share Cara memakai mod map di euro truck simulator 2. Trailers: SCS: Base trailers Kamaz: Rebuild of flatbed trailer Bora: Rebuild of almost all trailers. Cara Pakai Mod Map ETS 2 - Kemarin saya sudah share mengenai Cara memasang mod bus pada ets 2, tidak lengkap rasanya jika bermain dengan mod bus indonesia tetapi mapnya masih di eropa sana.
– 1 with an onboard platform of the trailer – 10 different trailers of glass carriers Both standalone trailers and stock trailers